Monday 14 February 2011


  • The main prop that we will be using is a torch. This is key to the film as it creates a light source in the dark when we are filming. By having a torch present this makes the film more convincing, as the main character would not realistically be going into the woods in the dark without on.


  • Another prop we will be using is a newspaper. This will be used when the victim and her father are having conversation. By including this prop this adds a relaxed feel to the scene, and makes it more realistic also. If the two characters were sitting next to one another just speaking straight to eachother with no interactions, this would not be realistic as this would not happen in real life. We could have had the father character on his phone for example texting, or watching television, but this gives across the feeling of lack of concentration and not really listening to what's being said, showing there is no importance in the conversation. By having the newspaper there, it shows that the father character was reading before but now has stopped to listen to Lucy, the victim character.


  • Above is a screen shot of another prop we are going to use - the lost cat poster. This prop clearly shows to the audience what exactly is happening in the film, the storyline of it all. It shows why the victim character is going out at night, to look for her lost cat, otherwise just going for a walk at night seems unreasonable as danger is likely to occur.
  • By using this prop, it also gives a feeling of innocense to the victim character, as having her going to look for a cat this has quite feminine traits so this gives a stereotypical vunerable female feel to this character.


The main character is Lucy who is the ''victim'' of the attack in the first two minutes of the film (By including an attack straight away this makes it clear to the audience the film is full of action and terror). By having an average looking character as victim, this gives the audience the idea that anybody could be attacked by the creature in this film. Also, by casting this ''victim'' character as a woman, this stays to the stereotype in horror films of women being attacked rather than men, as they can't fight off the creature as they are defenceless. Also by casting this character of someone in their teens, this gives the idea that she is innocent, once again ensuring the audience knows that anyone could be attacked.

Above displays the costume of the victim character, Lucy. By wearing casual clothing her age is clearly shown, as she is not shown in working clothes such as a skirt and blouse etc, showing her young age. As these clothes are showing a slight fashion sense, this shows how the character is in her teenage years, showing she is vunerable and is likely to be attacked in this film.


This character is the father of Lucy and is included in a small part of the film which outlines the storyline of Lucy's cat being lost. The hair of this character will be gelled to the side to give a 'smart' look to the father character. This character will also be wearing smart clothing to clearly show the audience this is the father character. This character will also be reading a newspaper, as this is a stereotypical thing for a father character to be doing in the evening.

The above images display the costume of the victims dad. By wearing casual clothes this shows that this character isn't going out to work at this time (as it's late) and will be staying at home for the time that the victim, Lucy, goes out. This shows that the father character will not be out around this time so the victim character doesn't have a chance of being saved.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Pictures inspiring our film beginning

For our film beginning we want the mysterious character to be hidden in some way. The Grudge films affectively show this by hiding the Grudge in different ways. For example by having her unfocused, or simply by the lighting. Another aspect of the Grudge character is the fact that she has hair to hide her face, therefore making her a more mysterious character as you can't clearly see who she is.

The shot below is from 28 Weeks Later. This screen shots shows another affective way of making a character mysterious - by having them hiding/ looking through a gap. This makes the viewer unsure of who they are, but the eyes make the viewer clearly see that this character is one of the 'horror' characters in the film. In consideration of how the eyes are affective in this way, we would have to produce affective make-up to show the audience this is the horror character if we showed them hiding in this way, so we have decided not to use this way of making the character more mysterious.

Ideas for film

For our film we came up with the idea of changing our story board slightly, this is to develop our film. We thought that by changing this it would make the film beginning more scary, showing the genre of the film better.
We decided to change the shots to the ones below:

  • Establishing shot of house
(Panning to show the whole road to set the scene)
  • Long shot of characters having conversation in a room inside the house
(The conversation will consist of something like this:
Dad character: "So you going to look for Shandy"
Main character: "Yeah, where are the posters?"
Dad character: "Erm... over here" (hands posters)
Main character: "Bye Dad")

  • Low angle panning shot of main characters feet walking
  • Zooming medium shot of 'LOST CAT' poster being put up
  • Low angle panning shot of main characters feet walking
  • Long shot/ over the shoulder shot of main character walking into the woods
  • Quick shots of - rustling hedge/light of torch/close up of eyes showing fear
  • Point of view shot of the feet and then looking away
  • Close up of eyes
  • Point of view shot of torch going around the woods
  • Close up of eyes
  • More quick shots to show the fear of the main character clearly.