Monday 14 February 2011


  • The main prop that we will be using is a torch. This is key to the film as it creates a light source in the dark when we are filming. By having a torch present this makes the film more convincing, as the main character would not realistically be going into the woods in the dark without on.


  • Another prop we will be using is a newspaper. This will be used when the victim and her father are having conversation. By including this prop this adds a relaxed feel to the scene, and makes it more realistic also. If the two characters were sitting next to one another just speaking straight to eachother with no interactions, this would not be realistic as this would not happen in real life. We could have had the father character on his phone for example texting, or watching television, but this gives across the feeling of lack of concentration and not really listening to what's being said, showing there is no importance in the conversation. By having the newspaper there, it shows that the father character was reading before but now has stopped to listen to Lucy, the victim character.


  • Above is a screen shot of another prop we are going to use - the lost cat poster. This prop clearly shows to the audience what exactly is happening in the film, the storyline of it all. It shows why the victim character is going out at night, to look for her lost cat, otherwise just going for a walk at night seems unreasonable as danger is likely to occur.
  • By using this prop, it also gives a feeling of innocense to the victim character, as having her going to look for a cat this has quite feminine traits so this gives a stereotypical vunerable female feel to this character.

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