Monday 28 March 2011

Evaluation Activity 4 - Who would be the audience for your media product?

The target audience for our film is teenagers/ young adults. This is because from previous research looking at what age/ gender people watch horror films, it clearly showed it was teenagers/ young adults, and mostly men. This is because children are not able to watch, and the elderly may not be able to deal with the shocking nature of the films.   Children are not able to watch horror films because of the certificate on the film. From our questionnaire we would produce our film with a 15 certificate because then more people would be able to view it, therefore more money will be made on our film.

  • More specifically, our target audience could be of a gothic fashion. This reflects somebody who would stereotypically watch horror films.
  • Also, this image reflects that our target audience will be teenagers/ young adults, as from my audience research from before this showed that this was the age group thaty enjoyed horror films more than say elderly people, and children cannot usually watch because of certificates on films/ parents not allowing it, therefore they don't have an opinion wether they like/ dislike them.
  • By including an image of a boy and a girl, this shows that either gender enjoy this film (unlike say a film under the romance genre, which typically only women would like), but from our audience profiling research it is clear that men enjoy watching horror films more than women. But as the statistics are so close (e.g. 28 Weeks Later - 56% male, 44% female audiences) this means I have included an image of both a male and female, as they are both likely to watch.
  • The target audience for our film would shop in places like Hot Topic, Blue Bannana etc. as this style stereotypically fits with the genre of our film. They would also listen to rock/screamo music, as this music is typically associated with people of gothic style. Stereotypically their favourite TV show could be True Blood or the Vampire Diaries, which shows an interest in media that is 'scary' or of the horror genre, so they would then be interested in our film.

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