Monday 20 September 2010

Film Key Terms


Shot showing character from neck up
Used for showing facial expressions

Medium shot/ Mid shot
Shot showing character from waist up
Allows other characters to be in view, so allows interactions (used for sociable shots)

Extreme Close Up
Focus' on a small detail E.g. An eye/ hand

Long Shot
Shot showing a setting or character from a distance

High Angle Shot
Shot taken from above looking down
Makes audience feel powerful - making character seem vulnerable and weak

Low Angle Shot
Shot taken from below as if audience is being looked down on
May make us feel small and vulnerable, whilst actors are powerful

Camera Movements

Camera moving in an arc from a fixed position

Camera is on tracks and follows the action

Camera moves into (or out from) close-up
Often used to focus attention on a relevant detail or emphasises a characters reaction


Diegetic Sound
Music or sound coming from the scene of the film
(Sound that the characters can hear)

Non-diegetic Sound
Music or sound effect that is added to film during the editing
(For example, voice over or music added in)

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