Monday 20 September 2010

Media Definitions

These definitions are affective in creating our own film opening, as they are aspects which will be important to the film through editing, choice of costume, etc.

Everything that is in the frame of a scene.
Nothing in a film is there by accident. Mise-en-scene is a broad term, covering everything that the audience sees in the film scenes.
For example, colours, props, set, costumes and lighting.

Establishing shot
Showing the location or character
(Used for setting up the film, showing where it is set or who is it about)

Shot-reverse Shot
Used for conversation between characters
For example, seeing someones eyes as they're speaking, and then seeing the other character that they're looking at.

Continuity Editing
Editing film to check that everything is right
Checking everything is the same. For example, checking nothing has moved in between shots so the scene doesn't make sense.

Examples of Editing Transitions
Jump cut

Sound Bridge
Bridging the gap between scenes using music

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