Tuesday 19 October 2010

Analysis of the opening of The Grudge

This post will analyse the beginning of the film The Grudge. I have chosen this film as it links to the chosen genre my group and I have chosen to base our 2 minute filming on, horror. The beginning of this film clearly shows how in films with the genre of horror, every scene is used to create tension, even right from the beginning. 

To show the negativity and fear that needs to be shown in this film, dull colouring is used. As in filming, using bright colouring will create a positive feeling, therefore using dull colouring creates a bad feeling about the happenings in this film already. 

The first part of the film shows a man committing suicide, which appears to be for no reason at all. As it also shows another character, a woman. As she is in bed, there are sexual connotations meaning he may be in a relationship with her. When she speaks to him, she appears very happy, where as he does not answer. This shows that it may be something to do with their relationship, but most likely it is not. It leaves the viewer questioning what was wrong with the man, why he committed suicide. 

The first part of the film uses a series of long shots to show the setting, and then also to show the characters and where they are. This is effective as it shows how they are high up in a building, and in a city also. The long shots showing setting also use the tilt camera movement. This is effective as the tilt keeps the camera to its horizontal axis whilst the camera lens moves up or down. Using the tilt camera movement shows how tall the building is, as it moves the lens in an upward motion. Using long shots is also effective as one of them is a two shot also, which includes the two characters having conversation and shows the woman in bed, making the viewer question their relationship more. These shots are then followed by medium shots of each character. One of the male, showing the upset expression on his face, and one of the woman, showing a happy expression on her face. This shows the clear contrast of emotions of what is happening in this scene, again creating questions for the audience such as why are they both feeling such different emotions. This is then followed suddenly by a long shot and two shot of the man leaning over the edge of the balcony to fall to his death. This is also followed by a point of view shot, from the males eyes as he is falling from the balcony. This is effective as the audience really take notice of his death, they will take notice of the height he has fallen from so it is clear he will not live through this. A point of view shot is also used to show the man at his death, which is then followed by a long shot of how tall the building is. Using these shots really emphasises this horrific event.

This scene gives the audience no idea what will happen in the film. But it will raise questions in their mind, wanting them to watch on. Though, as the main character has not been introduced even slightly, some viewers may loose interest because they want to know the main character is the cause for all disturbances and deaths in this film, as this is what happens in most horror films.

Further on during this clip of part one of The Grudge, an Asian woman is shown riding her bicycle. This gives an idea to where the film could be set, as it focuses on this woman. (Later in the scene inside the house futons and other furniture in the room are shown. Futons and the other furniture is typically Asian, again showing the setting.) The fact that this film is set in an Asian country gives the idea that it could be a very scary horror film, as most Asian horror films are typically like this. This woman is then shown caring for another woman in her house. This makes it questionable why this woman needs to be cared for. Throughout this, slow piano music is used to create tension for the audience, as if something could happen to one of the characters soon. As the music is quite quiet too, it creates suspense. Something clearly seems to be wrong in this household. This is shown by the setting, the living room which the strange woman character is first seen in is untidy. Also, creating the idea something may be wrong, when the other woman says "Do you remember me?" showing how this woman may have memory loss. The audience will see this woman as strange, as she does not reply to anything that is said to her. Also the way she just stares away from other characters. Another thing that may make the audience question what is wrong is when the woman is tucked into bed by the Asian woman. The Asian woman's change in clothing then makes it clear she could be their maid, or something of similar status. Acting is important in creating the tension in this scene, as again, it makes the audience question what is going on.

The Asian woman is then seen walking up the stairs and she then hears a noise coming from another room. The music then changes, becoming more tense so the audience knows that something will happen. But as the music is slow still, it makes them unsure of when it will actually happen. The woman is then seen using a small prop, a lighter, to create light in a very dark setting. Using this technique of only a small bit of light showing the woman's face clearly shows the curiosity of what the noise is, and then the fear as she sees what it is. There is then a quick close up shot of The Grudge. This then shows the audience who the main character of the film is, and will make them interested as to what is to happen next.

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