Thursday 14 October 2010

Film ideas

For our film we have chosen the genre of horror.
  • The setting will be partly in a house, but then mainly in the woods at night. Shooting the film at night will create tension as the audience will not be able to see clearly what is going on. The main light of the scene will be a torch, creating even more tension in the scene.
  • The plot of the first two minutes of the film will be a shot of a girl sticking up a poster of her lost cat, then going home and being asked by her parents if she's going to look for the cat. She says yes and heads off in the dark looking, she ends up looking in the woods as she heard a rustling sound hoping it was her cat. She then gets mysteriously attacked. The last shot shows a missing poster underneath where the lost cat poster was, showing the missing girl. This leaves the audience wondering what has happened to her and creates tension within the village that she lives in.
  • Similar to other horror films, a character always gets attacked by something unknown at the start of the film, and then the film progresses into other people getting attacked and discovering what is attacking these people. Using this technique creates a lot of tension for the audience, making them wonder what is attacking people and what's going to happen to everyone in the village at the end of the film.
  • We will use a lot of silences, rather than music. Using silence creates more tension as the audience will begin thinking some thing's going to jump out at the character or something is going to happen. Where as music can sometimes ruin scenes, making the scene become more comical rather than scary.

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