Thursday 18 November 2010

Character Ideas: Comparison with Friday The 13th characters

  • In the film Friday The 13th, the film follows the idea of characters getting killed off one by one, and the other characters not knowing who is doing this. This is very typical in horror movies, for example it also happens in Creep. We will be using this idea in our film beginning as it works well because it keeps the audience engaged, wanting to know who will be killed next, and who is killing everyone.
  • Our main character for the beginning of our film will be compared with the characters who are going on vacation to Crystal Lake, as they all have no idea what is happening. Although our film beginning will not have the idea of killing of several different characters one by one, it will just be killing one. But this one character will show how in horror films people are not sure as to what is happening, as they are just leading their normal lives and then disaster strikes. As we see in Friday The 13th, people are killed in different places unexpectedly. For example, one male character is killed in a shed when going looking for something. In our film beginning, the character will be killed when walking through the woods looking for her cat.
  • This film also follows the idea of setting the film in a rural setting, so that the characters cannot be helped. Our character will be attacked in the woods, again a place where she cannot be helped by somebody else.
  • In this film, as people are killed the audience see who is actually doing it, therefore getting rid of the element of suspense, which we will be using in our film. Though this film does use the technique of really focusing on the main character. Unlike most horror films, such as 28 Days Weeks Later, which focuses on a group of people being feared, this focuses on one character. Why he is attacking people, and why he is the way that he is. Which may add suspense as it creates fear, knowing why this character has issues with other people.
  • Our main horror character will not be based on Jason from the film Friday the 13th, as he is a lot larger than normal humans therefore adding more fear. Our horror characters will be normal human sized but with makeup on, like people back from the dead.

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