Thursday 18 November 2010

First ideas of film shots to use

These are my first ideas for the shots to use in my first two minutes of my film. These ideas will be changed, as my group will have ideas also and then we can combine them all to create better ideas.

  • The film will begin with fade in editing used to introduce the film slowly. A low angle shot of some feet walking along the street will be shown and then a medium shot of hands sticking a poster (the lost cat poster) onto a post, and zooming in will be used to emphasise what is on the poster.
  • This will then be followed by another low angle shot of the feet turning around and walking. Costume will be important for the feet shots, as the shoes will not be masculine or intimidating, giving the idea this is a bad character, they must be feminine to show who this character is. 
  • There will then be a long shot/ establishing of the girl entering her house, showing where the girl is, what the setting is like. Giving the audience the idea this house isn't in a big city, but more of a rural setting.
  • A two shot/ over the shoulder shot of the main character and their parent will be shown. It will be over the shoulder of the main character, showing the parent. It will have the dialogue consisting of the main character stating she is going to look for her lost cat.
  • A low angle shot is used to show the feet of the main character walking out of the house and then up the road, then the editing of graphic match will be used to overlap the scenes to show the feet walking somewhere else. This will give the idea of a jump in time, so that the audience is not bored having to watch the feet walking for a long time. Using this editing technique will also connect both of these different scenes as it overlaps them for a brief second.
  • As there is a rustling sound in a hedge in the woods nearby, there is a zooming shot to the hedge moving. The main character then presumes this may be her cat, and in hope enters the woods.
  • There is an over the shoulder shot of the character looking into the woods where the rustling came from, and not seeing her cat.
  • The main character then begins to walk through the woods, hearing more rustling sounds. There will be a series of fast shots to create tension, extreme close up shots of the characters eyes showing fear, the characters torch moving around the woods in long shots trying to identify what is making the rustling noise.
  • A long shot is used when quickly something runs across the path of the woods.
  • An extreme close up of the characters eyes are used here to show the fear.
  • Then a long shot of the character is used, quickly showing the unknown character (the zombie) running towards her

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