Tuesday 16 November 2010

Character Ideas: Comparison with 28 Weeks Later characters

  • Our main character who is followed throughout the opening two minutes of our film will be based around the ideas of the characters (Don and his wife Alice) in the film 28 Weeks Later.
  • I chose to compare the main character with the characters from 28 Weeks Later. This is because this films is based on people being infected, almost like zombies as they attack the normal people, so this compares to our opening of a film as we are including zombies.
  • These characters are trying to escape from the infected in the film, similar to how in our film people will be trying to escape from the zombies. In the beginning of 28 Weeks Later, the characters Don and Alice are hiding in a house, and then Don runs from the infected. This emphasises how people try to escape from zombies/infected in films. And this will happen in our film also, the main character will be attacked by zombies and will be attempting to escape or get help in their situation.
  • Also, in this film the characters that the audience and main characters fear (the infected) are normal humans, but just with makeup. This is relevant to our film as our horror characters will be humans with makeup on, instead of changing the people completely (e.g Jason from Friday the 13th)

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